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Our story... 

As a native of Bolivar, Katina Mays has always had a passion for her community, serving in her church and serving in ways sometimes only her husband knew about. Tina Coleman and her husband moved to Hardeman county 18 years ago however they commuted to work  and served at their church in Memphis, TN. After Tina retired the Lord brought her ministry closer to their home in Hardeman County. They found a church with a heart for this community and they gladly moved their membership to this area and began to serve locally. 



"As my husband and I started serving in the youth department in our church we notice that the children our bus ministry would bring truly struggled in reading, comprehension and basic education. As I spoke to my pastor about this, he informed me that Hardeman county is one of the poorest counties in Tennessee. I am extremely grateful that he and his wife have a great passion for this community otherwise I may have never met these young teens.The Lord kept laying on my heart the need to begin something. I didn't know just what or what it would even look like. One day our youth group was in need of a service project, that is when Katina introduced me to Michelle Bolden. Michelle serves the hungry (Banishing Hunger) with her own funds, preparing the food at her daycare and delivering to the needy. After serving with Michelle a few times I immediately thought this was who the Lord would have me connect with to get something going. Katina arranged for us all to have dinner one night without knowing what I was going to talk to Michelle about. As I spoke with Michelle I could clearly see she already had her ministry and plenty on her plate. What I also notice was Katina's reaction to what I was saying to Michelle. It was as if I had read her diary. It had been in her heart all along she just didn't know where to begin. Katina and I started talking late that night and in perfect harmony came up with the name Restoration Center both agreeing that Hardeman County needed to be RESTORED. We then began meeting late every Wednesday night to pray, gather resources and brain storm ideas. And so it began... "  (July 2014)


One of our first contacts we agreed on immediately was Stacy Seaton for not only her expert CPA advice but her heart and passion for this community. She joined our mission without hesitation and met with us when her schedule allowed. She has truly been one of our greatest resources in so many ways. I don't think we would be where we are now without her helping Katina tirelessly complete all the paperwork required. 



"My heart loves not only Bolivar but all of Hardeman county, it's where I grew up. I know everyone doesn't love it here but I love my community! My heart breaks everytime I see us lose one of our children to drugs and violence; and I feel it is happening more and more often. It made me feel helpless and angry. I knew I had to do something. I began releasing myself from numerous obligations so I could pray and research by visiting other churches in our community to see what God was up to and what part I would play in this plan of His. When Tina and I met that fated night to talk to Michelle it was all I could do not to jump up and say, That't it! I'm doing it! 


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